New heads of regional federations were elected, including Volodymyr Rogovenko
On March 21, a meeting of the board of the Petanque Federation of Ukraine took place, at which new heads of regional federations were elected.

In particular, the Kyiv Regional Federation will be headed by Volodymyr Rogovenko, a member of the "Uptown Petanque Club" team. From other regions: Poltava - Oleksandr Lytovchenko, and Ivano-Frankivsk - Vitaly Popadyuk. Petanque Federation is an organization that promotes and develops this sport in Ukraine. Pétanque is a team game that originates from the ancient game of bocce, from the Western European region of Provence. Volodymyr Rogovenko is a Ukrainian athlete. He has many victories in various competitions. Rogovenko is also an active participant and organizer of petanque in Ukraine. The election of new heads of regional federations is an important step in the development of petanque in Ukraine. Their experience and knowledge will help promote the game and develop it in different regions of the country, attract more people to pétanque and ensure high quality training of Ukrainian athletes. All supporters and lovers of petanque should join in congratulating Volodymyr Rogovenko, Oleksandr Lytovchenko and Vitaly Popadyuk and wish them success in their new position!

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